The science of pet odour: Tips for keeping your dog smel​ling fresh between grooms

Hey there, fellow dog lovers! As a solo dog groomer here in Brighton, I know firsthand the joy of cuddling up with a freshly groomed pup. But let's face it, our furry friends have a knack for finding the smelliest spots to roll around in, leaving us with a less-than-pleasant aroma to deal with. Fear not! Today, I'm diving into the science of pet odour and sharing some tried-and-true tips to keep your canine companion smelling fresh between grooms.

Why do dogs smell?

First off, let's understand why our beloved pups sometimes emit not-so-pleasant odours. Just like us, dogs have natural oils in their skin and fur that can attract dirt, bacteria, and other funky smells. Add to that their love for exploring outdoors and occasional encounters with less-than-clean substances, and you've got a recipe for some serious stink.

How to combat doggy odour

But there are plenty of simple yet effective ways to combat pet odour and keep your four-legged friend smelling like roses (or at least, not like they've been rolling in something unmentionable). Here are some tips straight from this Brighton dog groomer's playbook:

  1. Regular Brushing Sessions:

Brushing isn't just about keeping your pup's coat looking sleek and shiny—it's also a powerful weapon against pet odour. Regular brushing helps remove loose fur, dirt, and debris from your dog's coat, preventing odours from lingering and spreading. Plus, it's a great bonding activity for you and your furry friend!

2. Freshen Up with Dry Shampoo:

When your dog needs a quick refresh between grooms, dry shampoo can be a lifesaver. Look for a dog-specific dry shampoo at your local pet store or online retailer, and simply spray it onto your dog's coat, then brush through to distribute evenly. It's a convenient way to eliminate odours and absorb excess oils without the hassle of a full-blown bath.

3. Invest in Odour-Eliminating Products:

There are plenty of odour-eliminating sprays, wipes, and powders on the market designed specifically for pets. Keep a stash of these handy products on hand for quick touch-ups between grooming sessions. Just be sure to choose products that are safe for dogs and won't irritate their skin. Essential oils can be a great choice for keeping your home smelling fresh, just make sure to choose oils that are non-toxic to dogs such as: Lavender, chamomile, myrrh, ginger, rosemary, bergamot or frankincense.

Still be sure to keep these out of reach, or add 10-20 drops to a water spray bottle and spray in areas the dog won’t be licking.

4. Focus on Oral Hygiene:

Believe it or not, your dog's breath can contribute to overall pet odour. Make sure to brush your pup's teeth regularly and provide dental chews or toys to help keep their pearly whites clean and healthy. Fresh breath equals a fresher-smelling pup! Stay tuned for a video I’ll be sharing soon of D.I.Y breath mints for dogs.

5. Keep Their Living Space Clean:

Finally, don't forget to tackle the source of pet odours by keeping your dog's living space clean and fresh. Wash their bedding regularly, vacuum carpets and upholstery, and clean up any accidents promptly to prevent lingering odours from taking hold.

By incorporating these tips into your routine, you can keep your dog smelling fresh and clean between grooming sessions. And remember, as your friendly neighborhood dog groomer here in Brighton, I'm always here to lend a paw and provide personalized advice to keep your furry friend looking and smelling their best. Together, we'll banish pet odours and enjoy plenty of snuggles with our sweet-smelling pups!


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